x "); ttq.track("Browse"); })(window, document, "ttq");
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Warranty and Return Conditions

Returns Within 14 Days

You can return the product you bought on the Berfuğ Kıran site with your invoice within 14 days from the date of invoice, but the original packaging has not been damaged and must be returned together with the items that belong to the brand, such as the hanger and the box.

If only the dress is sent, the refund will not be accepted. At the same time, the dress will be deemed used when the dress card is broken and the refund will not be available.

If a sale was made using special design or extra services, it will not be refunded.

If the product has never been used and it is sent back after completing the necessary conditions, the product goes to the test.

Can I return the product I bought to a different credit card or a different bank account?
In the shopping transactions you make on our berfugkiran.com site, you will only be refunded to the credit card you have purchased and the payment instrument you have used.

How soon will the return amounts of my products whose returns have been approved be received by me?
When your return is confirmed, your return fee will automatically; If your payment method was made with a credit card, it will be reflected on your credit card, and if your payment was made via wire transfer / eft, it will be reflected on your existing bank account. In both types of returns, the amount of return that will arrive to you differs according to the relevant processes and intensity processes of the bank being worked on.
", events: { product_detail: "ViewContent", add_to_cart: "AddToCart", add_to_wishlist: "AddToWishlist", begin_checkout: "InitiateCheckout", complete_payment: "CompletePayment", place_an_order: "PlaceAnOrder", }, // You should lowercase all characters before hashing. // Do not perform any other types of normalization on emails prior to hashing. // Only SHA-256 is accepted. run: () => { let ttqIdentifyObject = {}; ttqIdentifyObject['sha256_email'] = MEMBER_INFO?.MAIL != null && MEMBER_INFO.MAIL !== '' ? MEMBER_INFO.MAIL_HASH_SHA : null; ttqIdentifyObject['sha256_phone_number'] = MEMBER_INFO?.PHONE != null && MEMBER_INFO.PHONE !== '' ? MEMBER_INFO.PHONE_HASH_SHA : null; ttq.identify(ttqIdentifyObject); TIKTOK_PIXEL.productDetail(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.addToCart(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.addToWishlist(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.pageCart(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.orderAddress(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.orderApprove(); }, productDetail: () => { TSOFT_APPS.product.detail.callback.push(function () { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.product_detail, { content_name: PRODUCT_DATA[0].name, content_category: PRODUCT_DATA[0].category, content_id: PRODUCT_DATA[0]["id"], content_type: "product", value: PRODUCT_DATA[0].total_sale_price, currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }); }); }, addToCart: () => { TSOFT_APPS.cart.callback.add.push(function (r) { let results = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; results = results.filter((result) => { return !([-1, 0].includes(result.status)) }); results.forEach((result) => { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.add_to_cart, { contents: [{ content_name: result.addedProduct.name, content_category: result.addedProduct.category, content_id: result.addedProduct.id, content_type: "product", price: parseFloat(result.addedProduct.price).toFixed(2), currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }], value: parseFloat(result.totalPrice).toFixed(2), }); }); }) }, addToWishlist: () => { TSOFT_APPS.product.wishList.callback.add.push(function (r) { let results = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; results = results.filter((result) => { return !([-1, 0].includes(result.status)) }); results.forEach((result) => { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.add_to_wishlist, { contents: [{ content_name: result.data.name, content_category: result.data.category, content_id: result.data.id, content_type: "product", }], }); }); }) }, cartLoad: async (event) => { const cartLoad = await TSOFT_APPS.get.result.cart.load; if (cartLoad.PRODUCTS.length === 0) { return false; } const categories = cartLoad.PRODUCTS.map((product) => { return product.CATEGORY_NAME; }); const contents = cartLoad.PRODUCTS.map((product) => { return { content_id: product.ID, content_name: product.TITLE, content_category: product.CATEGORY_NAME, content_type: 'product', price: parseFloat(product.PRICE_TOTAL).toFixed(2), currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }; }); ttq.track(event, { contents: contents, currency: (cartLoad.TARGET_CURRENCY === 'TL' ? 'TRY' : cartLoad.TARGET_CURRENCY), value: parseFloat(cartLoad.PRICE_GENERAL).toFixed(2), num_items: cartLoad.PRODUCTS.length, content_category: categories.toString(), content_type: 'product', }) }, pageCart: () => { TSOFT_APPS.page.cart.callback.push(async function (data) { TIKTOK_PIXEL.cartLoad(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.begin_checkout); }); }, orderAddress: () => { TsoftAppsOrderAddressCallback(async function (data) { TIKTOK_PIXEL.cartLoad(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.place_an_order); }) }, orderApprove: () => { TsoftAppsOrderApproveCallback(function (approveOrderData) { let productArr = []; approveOrderData.products.forEach((product) => { productArr.push({ content_id: product.identifier, content_name: product.name, content_category: product.category_name, content_type: 'product', price: parseFloat(product.total_amount).toFixed(2), currency: product.currency === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }); }); ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.complete_payment, { contents: productArr, value: parseFloat(approveOrderData.amount).toFixed(2), currency: (approveOrderData.currency === 'TL' ? 'TRY' : approveOrderData.currency), }) }) } } TIKTOK_PIXEL.run();
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