x "); ttq.track("Browse"); })(window, document, "ttq");
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Delivery Conditions

Your orders will be delivered to the cargo within 5 working days (Monday-Friday) after bank approval. Depending on the distance of the delivery address to UPS Kargo, the courier company will deliver your order to you within 1-7 days

Delivery times of special products vary according to the production time. Delivery information and times of such products are indicated on the product pages.

In case of mishaps arising from our side, you will be informed based on your membership information. That's why membership is complete and accurate information is important. Delivery is not done on weekends and feast days.

All of the products you select will be delivered to you by Ups Cargo guarantee by the contracted cargo companies.

The products you have purchased will be notified to you by a confirmation e-mail. If any of the products you selected are not available in stock, an e-mail will be sent to you regarding the subject and you will be notified when the product is in stock.

www.berfugkiran.com is an on-line shopping website. It allows multiple users to shop at the same time. In rare cases, it is possible for the consumer to purchase the same product and the product is running out of stock.

If the product you paid for is not in stock, there is a waiting period of at least 4 (four) and at most 30 (thirty) days. If the product cannot be given to the consumer between these dates, the payment made will be returned to him.
", events: { product_detail: "ViewContent", add_to_cart: "AddToCart", add_to_wishlist: "AddToWishlist", begin_checkout: "InitiateCheckout", complete_payment: "CompletePayment", place_an_order: "PlaceAnOrder", }, // You should lowercase all characters before hashing. // Do not perform any other types of normalization on emails prior to hashing. // Only SHA-256 is accepted. run: () => { let ttqIdentifyObject = {}; ttqIdentifyObject['sha256_email'] = MEMBER_INFO?.MAIL != null && MEMBER_INFO.MAIL !== '' ? MEMBER_INFO.MAIL_HASH_SHA : null; ttqIdentifyObject['sha256_phone_number'] = MEMBER_INFO?.PHONE != null && MEMBER_INFO.PHONE !== '' ? MEMBER_INFO.PHONE_HASH_SHA : null; ttq.identify(ttqIdentifyObject); TIKTOK_PIXEL.productDetail(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.addToCart(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.addToWishlist(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.pageCart(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.orderAddress(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.orderApprove(); }, productDetail: () => { TSOFT_APPS.product.detail.callback.push(function () { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.product_detail, { content_name: PRODUCT_DATA[0].name, content_category: PRODUCT_DATA[0].category, content_id: PRODUCT_DATA[0]["id"], content_type: "product", value: PRODUCT_DATA[0].total_sale_price, currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }); }); }, addToCart: () => { TSOFT_APPS.cart.callback.add.push(function (r) { let results = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; results = results.filter((result) => { return !([-1, 0].includes(result.status)) }); results.forEach((result) => { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.add_to_cart, { contents: [{ content_name: result.addedProduct.name, content_category: result.addedProduct.category, content_id: result.addedProduct.id, content_type: "product", price: parseFloat(result.addedProduct.price).toFixed(2), currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }], value: parseFloat(result.totalPrice).toFixed(2), }); }); }) }, addToWishlist: () => { TSOFT_APPS.product.wishList.callback.add.push(function (r) { let results = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; results = results.filter((result) => { return !([-1, 0].includes(result.status)) }); results.forEach((result) => { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.add_to_wishlist, { contents: [{ content_name: result.data.name, content_category: result.data.category, content_id: result.data.id, content_type: "product", }], }); }); }) }, cartLoad: async (event) => { const cartLoad = await TSOFT_APPS.get.result.cart.load; if (cartLoad.PRODUCTS.length === 0) { return false; } const categories = cartLoad.PRODUCTS.map((product) => { return product.CATEGORY_NAME; }); const contents = cartLoad.PRODUCTS.map((product) => { return { content_id: product.ID, content_name: product.TITLE, content_category: product.CATEGORY_NAME, content_type: 'product', price: parseFloat(product.PRICE_TOTAL).toFixed(2), currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }; }); ttq.track(event, { contents: contents, currency: (cartLoad.TARGET_CURRENCY === 'TL' ? 'TRY' : cartLoad.TARGET_CURRENCY), value: parseFloat(cartLoad.PRICE_GENERAL).toFixed(2), num_items: cartLoad.PRODUCTS.length, content_category: categories.toString(), content_type: 'product', }) }, pageCart: () => { TSOFT_APPS.page.cart.callback.push(async function (data) { TIKTOK_PIXEL.cartLoad(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.begin_checkout); }); }, orderAddress: () => { TsoftAppsOrderAddressCallback(async function (data) { TIKTOK_PIXEL.cartLoad(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.place_an_order); }) }, orderApprove: () => { TsoftAppsOrderApproveCallback(function (approveOrderData) { let productArr = []; approveOrderData.products.forEach((product) => { productArr.push({ content_id: product.identifier, content_name: product.name, content_category: product.category_name, content_type: 'product', price: parseFloat(product.total_amount).toFixed(2), currency: product.currency === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }); }); ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.complete_payment, { contents: productArr, value: parseFloat(approveOrderData.amount).toFixed(2), currency: (approveOrderData.currency === 'TL' ? 'TRY' : approveOrderData.currency), }) }) } } TIKTOK_PIXEL.run();
Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.