x "); ttq.track("Browse"); })(window, document, "ttq");
Şifremi Unuttum
Kayıt Ol

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Tedarikçi Başvuru
", events: { product_detail: "ViewContent", add_to_cart: "AddToCart", add_to_wishlist: "AddToWishlist", begin_checkout: "InitiateCheckout", complete_payment: "CompletePayment", place_an_order: "PlaceAnOrder", }, // You should lowercase all characters before hashing. // Do not perform any other types of normalization on emails prior to hashing. // Only SHA-256 is accepted. run: () => { let ttqIdentifyObject = {}; ttqIdentifyObject['sha256_email'] = MEMBER_INFO?.MAIL != null && MEMBER_INFO.MAIL !== '' ? MEMBER_INFO.MAIL_HASH_SHA : null; ttqIdentifyObject['sha256_phone_number'] = MEMBER_INFO?.PHONE != null && MEMBER_INFO.PHONE !== '' ? MEMBER_INFO.PHONE_HASH_SHA : null; ttq.identify(ttqIdentifyObject); TIKTOK_PIXEL.productDetail(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.addToCart(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.addToWishlist(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.pageCart(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.orderAddress(); TIKTOK_PIXEL.orderApprove(); }, productDetail: () => { TSOFT_APPS.product.detail.callback.push(function () { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.product_detail, { content_name: PRODUCT_DATA[0].name, content_category: PRODUCT_DATA[0].category, content_id: PRODUCT_DATA[0]["id"], content_type: "product", value: PRODUCT_DATA[0].total_sale_price, currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }); }); }, addToCart: () => { TSOFT_APPS.cart.callback.add.push(function (r) { let results = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; results = results.filter((result) => { return !([-1, 0].includes(result.status)) }); results.forEach((result) => { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.add_to_cart, { contents: [{ content_name: result.addedProduct.name, content_category: result.addedProduct.category, content_id: result.addedProduct.id, content_type: "product", price: parseFloat(result.addedProduct.price).toFixed(2), currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }], value: parseFloat(result.totalPrice).toFixed(2), }); }); }) }, addToWishlist: () => { TSOFT_APPS.product.wishList.callback.add.push(function (r) { let results = Array.isArray(r) ? r : [r]; results = results.filter((result) => { return !([-1, 0].includes(result.status)) }); results.forEach((result) => { ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.add_to_wishlist, { contents: [{ content_name: result.data.name, content_category: result.data.category, content_id: result.data.id, content_type: "product", }], }); }); }) }, cartLoad: async (event) => { const cartLoad = await TSOFT_APPS.get.result.cart.load; if (cartLoad.PRODUCTS.length === 0) { return false; } const categories = cartLoad.PRODUCTS.map((product) => { return product.CATEGORY_NAME; }); const contents = cartLoad.PRODUCTS.map((product) => { return { content_id: product.ID, content_name: product.TITLE, content_category: product.CATEGORY_NAME, content_type: 'product', price: parseFloat(product.PRICE_TOTAL).toFixed(2), currency: window.CURRENCY === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }; }); ttq.track(event, { contents: contents, currency: (cartLoad.TARGET_CURRENCY === 'TL' ? 'TRY' : cartLoad.TARGET_CURRENCY), value: parseFloat(cartLoad.PRICE_GENERAL).toFixed(2), num_items: cartLoad.PRODUCTS.length, content_category: categories.toString(), content_type: 'product', }) }, pageCart: () => { TSOFT_APPS.page.cart.callback.push(async function (data) { TIKTOK_PIXEL.cartLoad(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.begin_checkout); }); }, orderAddress: () => { TsoftAppsOrderAddressCallback(async function (data) { TIKTOK_PIXEL.cartLoad(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.place_an_order); }) }, orderApprove: () => { TsoftAppsOrderApproveCallback(function (approveOrderData) { let productArr = []; approveOrderData.products.forEach((product) => { productArr.push({ content_id: product.identifier, content_name: product.name, content_category: product.category_name, content_type: 'product', price: parseFloat(product.total_amount).toFixed(2), currency: product.currency === "TL" ? "TRY" : window.CURRENCY, }); }); ttq.track(TIKTOK_PIXEL.events.complete_payment, { contents: productArr, value: parseFloat(approveOrderData.amount).toFixed(2), currency: (approveOrderData.currency === 'TL' ? 'TRY' : approveOrderData.currency), }) }) } } TIKTOK_PIXEL.run();
T-Soft E-Ticaret Sistemleriyle Hazırlanmıştır.